Once a child is obese, the chance of being obese in adulthood exceeds 80%. Childhood obesity is a strong indicator of future risk of diabetes and heart disease. Fortunately, family-based programs are safe and effective for helping children lose weight.

The CHECK Trial seeks to determine the most cost-effective way to deliver these programs to families in lower-income neighborhoods. Families who enroll in the CHECK Trial will receive 12 months of family-based obesity treatment delivered either at Rush University Medical Center or in their own home. All enrolled families will receive:

1. Family-focused weight loss counseling from a trained provider (e.g., nurse, dietitian).

2. Guidance on how to change the home environment and family routines in ways that promote healthy eating, physical activity, and adequate sleep for their children.

3. Regular telephone support from their coach

The CHECK Trial is funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. A total of 266 families will be enrolled. To be eligible, families must include at least one child between ages 6 and 11 who would benefit from a weight loss intervention.


Contact the team for more information.

(312) 942-8260
