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​​​Phase 1:  Defining the Intervention 

From January-April of 2011, 18 key informant interviews were conducted.  Three major themes resulted from the interviews:  (1) a need for more discussion and education on asthma and health; (2) a need for children to be more active; and (3) the belief that schools should provide more education.  Recognition of asthma issues by obesity experts, and vice versa, was not common.  During that same period, we held two Spanish language and two English language focus groups with parents of children ages 5-12 with asthma and BMIs greater than 85%.  Most parents knew all the asthma triggers and knew that obesity was related to unhealthy food.  There was considerable awareness of connections between asthma and obesity but there were greater concerns about asthma than obesity because it was the more proximal issue.  We also conducted two groups with children 9-12 and one group with younger children ages 5-8. ​

​​Phase 2:  Intervention Testing
  • Community Health Worker Training
  • In October of 2011, thirteen adults from the target community completed a 40-hour CHW training on pediatric asthma and obesity designed specifically for this project. The top 2 trainees were then hired for the study. 
  • Pilot 1 - Home Intervention 
    From 2011-2012, a home intervention will be testing using a proof of concept design.  Families of children in the Humboldt Park neighborhood whose child has uncontrolled asthma and is overweight or obese will be offered community health worker home visits once a month for one year.
  • Pilot 2 – School Intervention
    From 2012-2013, an elementary school in Humboldt Park will be offered a school-wide intervention for asthma, nutrition, and exercise.  This intervention will attempt to involve school administration, teachers, parents, and children.
  • Pilot 3 – Combined School and Home Intervention
    From 2012-2013, another elementary school in Humboldt Park will be offered the same school-wide intervention as in Pilot 2.  Additionally, children in the school with both uncontrolled asthma and overweight/obesity will be offered the home intervention.​​